
HE 100. 英语语言能力- 3

Basic skills of the English language for special interest students requiring such a course. 从艺术. 这个部门.

EN 103. 写作研修班I - 4

Introduction to expository writing with weekly writing assignments emphasizing skills in developing ideas, 组织材料, 创建主题陈述. Assignments provide practice in 描述, definition, comparison 和 contrast, 和 论证. Additional focus on 语法, syntax, 和 usage. Students 和 instructor meet in seminar three hours a week; students are also required to meet regularly with a 写作中心 tutor. This course does not fulfill the all-college Foundation 说明文写作要求. 这个部门.

EN 105. 写作研讨会ii - 4

This seminar immerses students in the process of producing finished analytical essays informed by critical reading 和 careful reasoning. Special attention is given to developing ideas, 根据资料写作, 组织材料, 修改草稿. Additional emphasis is on 语法, style, 和 formal conventions of writing. Students respond to one another's work in workshops or peer critique sessions. Weekly informal writing complements assignments of longer finished papers. Each section of EN 105 focuses on a topic that is listed in the 总体计划 和 described in the English Department's prospectus 和 on its 网页. This course fulfills the all-College 说明文写作要求. 这个部门.

EN 105 h. 写作研讨会ii - 4

The honors sections of EN 105 offer highly motivated students with strong verbal skills the opportunity to refine their ability to analyze sophisticated ideas, 磨练他们的修辞策略, 并提出令人信服的论点. 朝着这些目标前进, students write 和 revise essays drawing upon a variety of challenging readings 和 critique each other's work with an eye to depth 和 complexity of thought, 证据逻辑, 风格的微妙之处. The English Department places some students in EN 105 h 和 encourages other students to consult with their advisors, 荣誉论坛的主任, or the director of the Expository Writing Program to determine if this level of Writing is appropriate. Each section of EN 105 h focuses on a topic that is listed in the 总体计划 和 described in the English Department's prospectus 和 on its 网页. This course fulfills the all-College 说明文写作要求. 这个部门.

EN 110. 文学研究导论- 4

This course introduces students to the practice of literary studies, with a particular emphasis on the skills involved in
精读. The course aims to foster a way of thinking critically 和 with sophistication about language, 文本, 和
文学生产. We will ask such questions as how 和 why we read, what it means to read as students of
literature, what writing can teach us about reading, 和 what reading can teach us about writing. 总的目标是
make the words on the page thrillingly rich 和 complicated, while also recognizing the ways in which those words
have been informed by their social, political, aesthetic, psychological, 和 religious con文本. 这门课就是写作
intensive 和 will include some attention to critical perspective 和 appropriate research skills. (满足所有的大学
; prospective English majors are strongly encouraged to take EN 110 prior to


EN 205. 非虚构写作- 4

Intensive practice in writing nonfiction prose, with emphasis on exp和ing the writer's options, 寻找与众不同的声音, 以及使用探究策略, 描述, 博览会, 论证, 和说服. (This course may be repeated for credit with a different topic.)


Instruction in classical 和 contemporary argumentative writing. 练习表明立场和建立案件. Analysis of arguments from the perspectives of logic, rhetorical appeals, 和 audience. Prerequisite: completion of the college Expository Writing requirement.

EN 205 B: Personal Experience 和 the Critical Voice

Intensive practice in the writing of polished essays that begin with the writer's experiences 和 move on to explore the relationship of the self to the larger world. Emphasis will be placed on finding a personal voice, 探索各种当代问题, 发展自己的思想, 有效地修改自己的作品. Readings include personal essays by both classic 和 contemporary writers such as Montaigne, 羊肉, Didion, 和盖茨. Prerequisite: completion of the college Expository Writing requirement.


Intensive practice in writing arts reviews on topics such as art exhibits, 音乐表演, 跳舞, 电影, 公开演讲, 现在的文献. Writing assignments focus on forms such as the short review, the essay review, 和 the profile. Reading of selected reviews by accomplished writers 和 critics, 和 analysis of writing from the popular press, 学术期刊, 还有艺术杂志. Requirements for the course include atten跳舞 at arts events on the Skidmore campus 和 throughout the Capital District. Prerequisite: completion of the college Expository Writing Requirement.

EN 205 D: Special Topics in Nonfiction Writing

Intensive practice in a particular form of expository writing or intensive exploration of a subject with special attention to style 和 the development of a writer's voice. Topics studied may include, for example, biography, technical writing, or writing 和 the Internet. Prerequisite: completion of the college Expository Writing Requirement.


修辞学考试, 语法, 而作文理论对写作至关重要, 协作学习, 还有同伴辅导. Students practice analytical writing 和 critique expository essays. Weekly writing assignments 和 a term project explore composition theory 和 tutoring practices 和 analyze EN 103 assignments. Participation in a weekly supervised peer tutoring practicum with EN 103 students. Prerequisite: EN 201 和 202 (in sequence); 和 EN 211, or 213, or 215; 和 upperclass st和ing; 和 permission of instructor. - P. Boshoff C. 金,M. 马克思,L. 西蒙.



